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We knew there're some doubts regarding herbal tea. Therefore, here's some know-how to help   

1) What is herbs? 甚麼是香草/藥草?

Herbs are regarding to any kind of plants which are with fragrance, useful and valuable to mankind. Usually we use plant's leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, roots, bark, etc part.

香草/藥草, 指的是在日常生活中對人類有使用價值、具有香味, 且對人類有幫助的植物的總稱. 一般使用的是植物的葉、花、果實、種子、莖、根、樹皮等部位.

2) What is herbal tea? 甚麼是花草茶?

Normally fresh (or dried) and pesticide-free leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, roots, bark, etc. are soaked and simmered in hot water. The essential oil ingredients and vitamins contained in it will be dissolved into the water. Therefore, a herbal tea with a fragrance smells, caffeine-free is done.

生鮮或經過乾燥後無農藥的葉、花、果實、種子、莖、根、樹皮等經由熱水悶蒸浸泡後, 其內所含的精油成分和維生素等將溶入水中, 形成具有清香芬芳氣味、同時不含咖啡因的茶飲, 就稱為花草茶.

3) Who need it? 誰需要使用香藥草?

Anyone who wish to improve body and mental, can try to drink with natural, no additives, no preservatives, no coloring, sugar-free and caffeine-free herbal tea.

任何想飲用天然、無添加、無防腐劑、無色素、無糖和無咖啡因的飲料, 同時又希望能幫助改善身體和調整心靈狀態的, 都可以嘗試飲用看看花草茶喔~

4) Am I suitable to drink it? 我是否能飲用花草茶?

Herbal tea suitable for everyone, except infant and children below 8 years old, pregnancy women, patients who undertaking any kind of medicine and/or medical treatment. If you are doubt, please contact us or seeking advice from your Doctor.

花草茶其實適合所有人飲用. 但若您是孕婦、嬰兒、8歲以下的孩童或者是正在服用任何中西藥物和正在進行醫藥治療療程的人士, 是不建議飲用的. 當然, 若您有其他的疑問和需求, 建議您可以先和您的醫師尋求建議; 或詢問我們.

5) How to brew herbal tea? 如何沖泡花草茶?

  • Take out 1 sachet of tea bag / 1-2 tea spoonful of herbs, put into 350ml-400ml cup / teapot.
  • Add on 90-95 degrees hot water over the tea bag / herbs, cover with lid and simmer for 3-5 mins.
  • After that, try with your tea. Will the taste is okay for you?
  • If the taste suit you, then you can start to enjoy with your tea now.
  • Of course, you also can add on honey / raw sugar / natural sweetener plant ---Stevia for better taste.
  • If you wish to have a cold herbal tea, just add on ice cubes as you like. Or, you can chill it in the fridge.

    Remarks: No recommended to keep the herbal tea to overnight.

  • 取出茶包 / 取出1-2茶匙的花草茶材料, 放入 350ml-400ml的杯中 / 茶壺中.
  • 加入溫度約90-95度的熱水, 蓋上杯蓋 / 壺蓋, 悶蒸浸泡3-5分鐘.
  • 時間到後, 喝看看茶杯中的茶水 / 將茶壺中的茶水倒在杯中試喝看看, 香氣和口味是否合適.
  • 若合您口味, 那就能開始享用您的花草茶了.
  • 當然, 您也能添加一些蜂蜜 / 黃糖 / 天然的甜味植物---甜菊葉來增添風味.
  • 若想泡製成冷飲, 可以在泡好後加入冰塊 / 放入冰箱中冷藏後再飲用.


6) When should I drink it? 我何時能飲用呢?

Anytime, anywhere as you like! It's just a natural drinks that you can really taste our mother earth's present. 

隨時隨地. 您可以在任何時間、任何地點享用您的花草茶.

7) When will my herbal tea be expired and how to storage?

花草茶有效期多久, 又該怎麼儲存?

We suggest to keep the herbal tea under dry and cool place. It will be best if you chill it with an airtight container in fridge, so that it can keep for up to 12-18 months.

建議收藏在乾燥陰涼處. 若是密封在罐子中並置入冰箱中冷藏的話, 將可以保存到12-18個月.