Mulberry Leaf 桑葉 -35g/pack
RM 6.00
- 降低血压、血糖、胆固醇和發炎的狀況.
- 防治糖尿病.
- 驅風解熱,緩解風热感冒的症狀、止咳.
- 緩解头晕眼花和痢疾.
- 养颜、抗衰老.
- 降脂、抑制血栓生成.
- 增強肝臟功能.
- 所含維他命A能增強視力、消除眼部疲劳.
- 富含鈣和鎂.
- 所含有的維他命B2能控制甲狀腺活動,保護神經系統.
- 取出1-2茶匙的花草茶材料, 放入 350ml-400ml的杯中 / 茶壺中.
- 加入溫度約90-95度的熱水, 蓋上杯蓋 / 壺蓋, 悶蒸浸泡3-5分鐘.
- 時間到後, 喝看看茶杯中的茶水 / 將茶壺中的茶水倒在杯中試喝看看, 香氣和口味是否合適.
- 若合您口味, 那就能開始享用您的花草茶了.
- 當然, 您也能添加一些蜂蜜 / 黃糖 / 天然的甜味植物---甜菊葉來增添風味.
- 若想泡製成冷飲, 可以在泡好後加入冰塊 / 放入冰箱中冷藏後再飲用.
請儲藏在乾躁與陰涼的地方. 最好是在冰箱中冷藏.
- 所有的花草茶都建議在當日泡製後、當日飲用完畢.
- 孕婦、嬰兒、8歲以下的孩童不建議飲用.
- 若您正在服用任何藥物/進行任何醫療療程的話, 請先洽詢您醫生的建議.
- Lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and inflammation levels.
- Prevent diabetes.
- Expels wind and clears heat, reduce cough and cold symptoms.
- Reduce dizziness and dysentery.
- Sustains youthful skin, prevent aging problem.
- Help in weight loss, boosts the blood circulation, cleanse the blood and strengthen the blood vessel system.
- Supports and enhance liver function.
- Contain Vitamin A to enhance the eye sight and eliminate the eye strain.
- Rich with Calcium and Magnesium.
- Contain Vitamin B2 in energy production, manages thyroid activity,conserves the nervous system.
Brewing Instruction
- Take out 1-2 tea spoonful of herbs, put into 350ml-400ml cup / teapot.
- Add on 90-95 degrees hot water over the tea bag / herbs, cover with lid and steeps for 3-5 mins.
- After that, try with your tea. Will the taste is okay for you?
- If the taste suit you, then you can start to enjoy with your tea now.
- Of course, you also can add on honey / raw sugar / natural sweetener plant ---Stevia for better taste.
- If you wish to have a cold herbal tea, just add on ice cubes as you like. Or, you can chill it in the fridge.
Storage advice
Please store at dry and cold place. Best to chill in fridge.
- All herbal teas are recommended to be consumed on the same day after brewing.
- Not recommended to infant and children below 8 years old, and pregnancy women.
- Patients who are undertaking any kind of medicine and/or medical treatment, please seeking your doctor advice before consume.
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