Premixed Herbal Tea - Choose by Yourself 茶包任選組
RM 50.00
您可以任選您喜愛的口味, 並請在結帳的備註留言處列名所需的口味與數量.
- Anti-aging 抗老
- Beauty 美容
- Blueberry Fruits Tea 藍莓果粒茶
- Calming 寧神
- Cough Relief 清熱止咳
- Detox 養肝排毒
- Digestive 消化
- Peach Fruits Tea 水蜜桃果粒茶
- Relax 紓壓
- Slimming 瘦身
- Soothing 舒緩
- Summer Essence 盛夏
- 取出茶包, 放入 350ml-400ml容量的杯中 / 茶壺中.
- 加入溫度約90-95度的熱水, 蓋上杯蓋 / 壺蓋, 悶蒸浸泡3-5分鐘.
- 時間到後, 喝看看茶杯中的茶水 / 將茶壺中的茶水倒在杯中試喝看看, 香氣和口味是否合適.
- 若合您口味, 那就能開始享用您的花草茶了.
- 當然, 您也能添加一些蜂蜜 / 黃糖 / 天然的甜味植物---甜菊葉來增添風味.
- 若想泡製成冷飲, 可以在泡好後加入冰塊 / 放入冰箱中冷藏後再飲用.
您所任選的12種口味的小茶包 / 袋
請儲藏在乾躁與陰涼的地方. 最好是在冰箱中冷藏.
You can choose any flavor based on your prefer. Please list down your choice and amount on your order remark area while checkout.
Brewing Instruction
- Take out a sachet of tea bag, put into 350-400 ml of cup / teapot.
- Add on 90-95 Celsius degrees of hot water, cover with lid and steep for 3-5 mins.
- After that, try with your tea. Will the taste okay for you?
- If the taste suits you, then you can start to enjoy with your tea now.
- Of course, you also can add on honey / raw sugar / natural sweetener plant --- stevia leaf for the better taste.
- If you wish to have a cold herbal tea, just add on ice cubes as you like. Or, you can chill it in the fridge.
Choose your prefer flavor of 12 sachets / pack
Storage Advice
Please store at dry and cold place. Best to chill in fridge.
Please refer back to the web page information for each taste.
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